Saturday, January 30, 2010

How to Setup Development Environment

Downloading the Tools.
  1. Download Android SDK r4.
  2. Download Eclipse Classic 3.5.1.
  3. Download Android Development Tools 0.9.5.
Installing the Tools.
  1. Extract the SDK at your root directory (ex: C:\)
  2. Extract Eclipse and run eclipse.exe
  3. On Eclipse, click Help -> Install New Software.
  4. Click Add... button, Add Site dialog will pop-up.
  5. Click Archive... button and browse for then click OK.
  6. Specify ADT as Name then click OK.
  7. Toggle-on Developer Tools then click Next to install.
  8. Now set the path of the SDK. Click Window -> Preference. Select Android, and set the SDK Location to: C:\android-sdk-windows, then click OK.
    Installing the Android API.
    1. With the SDK path set, click Window -> Android SDK and AVD Manager.
    2. Select Available Packages. Then toggle-on the following:
      • Documentation for Android 2.1, API 7, revision 1
      • SDK Platform Android 2.1, API 7, revision 1
    3. And optionally, toggle-on:
      • Google APIs by Google Inc., Adroid API 7, revision 1
      • Usb Driver package, revision 3
    4. Click Install Selected then accept the license and click Install Accepted.
    Creating Android Virtual Device (AVD or what we call Emulator).
    1. Again, click Window -> Android SDK and AVD Manager.
    2. Specify the Name (ex: MyAndroidEmulator)
    3. Choose Android 2.1 - API Level 7 as the Target.
    4. On Hardware, click New and OK repeatedly until all Properties has been added.
    5. Click Create AVD.
    Now you can start writing Android Apps!

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